Thursday 28 July 2011

My active and strange pregnancy dream world: Part 2

Review of the last post: 'frightening'.  At least my mother found the dreams a bit unnerving.  But then she was the one being chased down by the angry snake with me.

It is a tad unfair to invite you all into my personal world and not try to offer at least a dim flashlight to guide yourselves back to reality.  Not that I will pretend to have any certainty about the meanings of my unconscious adventures, but they might not seem so odd when I pull out the themes and symbols I think I can see.

1) Animals - animals in dreams are common and can have a role in symbolising our nature or our lesser forms of awareness.  Animals can also take on archetypal qualities, meaning they stand for something larger than themselves.  C G Jung wrote about animals in dreams and their collective symbolism.  He was referring to symbols that we hold as part of our common human struggle with things such as loss, death, ageing.  The snake is a creature that he points to as having a collective symbolism.  Certainly pregnancy is a time when the common human endeavour feels very close to home.  I may not have crossed this way before, but somewhere in my being I understand the gravity of this experience.  The receseses of my mind may have just found a way to communicate this to me, like  my instinct coming to me in the night. 

It is also evidently common to dream of animals that come from the sea during pregnancy.  Sea creatures symbolising the primordial beginnings of life itself.  My penguins are at home on land or sea, and in my dream, although flightless birds, were climbing as close as they could to the sky, as if striving towards even higher and higher forms of being.  

2) Things in twos - well this seems obvious.  I am still stunned by the fact we are having twins.  But I am also freaked out a little about the potential problems that can affect twins.  I know I shouldn't have, but I googled something they told us about calmly and reassuringly at the scan - twin transfusion disorder.  This is where one twin is flooded with nutrients from the placenta while the other one gets under-nourished.  My dreams have two snakes, and when I meet the wins in my dream, one is larger and more feisty.  The other placid and small.  

3) The unexpected and my incompetence - maybe my dreams are preparing me for what we all know is actually going to happen.  The unexpected will happen.  I won't have control and I will make mistakes.  I hope I don't get into a physical fight with my brother and hit the babies with a bathmat, but no doubt I will be confronted with things that I have no idea how to handle and look back later thinking, 'Damn, why did I do that?'.  I guess that's life and parenthood.

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