Sunday 21 August 2011

H2, I love you: A bulging lady learns to adjust

Ever fall in love at first ride?  I did this week.  Those of you with dirty, dirty minds will be disappointed to know that I fell in love with H2 - my new pay-as-you-use spinning studio and gym. 

These bones aint what they used to be.  As the weeks of pregnancy progress I have become slower and developed all the grace and stability of a pot-bellied pig chasing a doughnut on it's hind legs.  It's to be expected.  Relaxin, the hormone released during pregnancy to help ligaments and muscles relax to make room for baby during pregnancy and labour, also can wreak havoc on joints during exercise.  Running is feeling more risky and I needed roll with it if I am going to remain mobile for the other 5 months. 

Along comes H2.  Hooray!  No pesky contract that will sap my bank account during the months when I won't be able to work out. No paying for a full range of equipment when I won't use it all now.  It seems the perfect pregnancy workout for me at this stage.  

Cycling is low impact, while still offering aerobic benefits.  But sadly, recommendations for pregnant women are to avoid cycling on the road after week 12.  Also we are told to work on maintaining fitness rather than improving, to remain hydrated and stop before exhaustion.  Also calories burned should be replaced (happy days).   So for me, spinning is the perfect adaptation to my routine as I reduce the running. 

The gym itself is great.  Simple but pleasing, consisting of a spin studio, a strength and strech area and plenty of bike parking space for the hard-cores who cycle in.  The class I took had a strength focus which saw the instructor leading us up an imaginary moutain.  Her French accent transported me to visions of our class cycling on mass in our own Tour de France.  She offered me adjustments to the bike set-up to suit the needs of my bulging pregnant body and encouraged us all to make it our own workout.  Consequently, I felt good to take the class at my pace, having a great time and a perfect workout with none of the joint-jarring action of my long-gone jogs.

And the female changing room is designed with what we women want in mind.  No messing about with useless extras like wood-pannelled lockers, but simple clean decor with plenty of showers.  And the understanding that just because we women sweat like men doesn't mean we're ok with mouldy tiles.  It's clean and beautiful, finished off with proper lighting to facilitate makeup application - a welcome touch.

H2, I love you. And I can't wait to see you again next week.

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