Thursday 25 August 2011

Daddy-tastic: an update on the man

That's right folks, he hasn't ditched yet, despite my ever expanding amounts of napping, complaining and belly flesh.   Thom is hanging in there like a trooper and it’s a good time for an update into the current issues of dad-to-be.  Big on the agenda for the male of the household this week are:

  1. Maternity bras
  2. Heartbeats
  3. Emotional restraint

Maternity Bras
Dubbed in Thom-language, the ‘get me a discount bra’.  As mentioned in previous blogs, the bump is not the only thing to protrude.  Boobs have been getting bigger and I have bought new containers to house them.  Non-wired seemed the way of the future with all the pinching of anything restrictive, and I ordered something called a ‘maternity bra’ online.  When it arrived I realized it was a fully functioning nursing bra.  Thom thought the clips that unleashed the puppies were hilarious, prompting him  to ask if it was the ‘get me a discount bra’.  The idea in his head being something like this -
I say: ‘How much for that hoover/ham sandwich/hover craft?’
Vendor says: ‘It’s [insert amount here].’
I unclip one of the handy discount-getting clasps and slyly say: ‘Are you sure?’

We can feel for Thom in his current life situation.  It is a change from the days when he was young, unhindered and free.  Although, God knows, his body could not have withstood the young, unhindered and free behavior forever.  He suffered a broken skull on more than one occasion, bravely doing all the things that made life fun.  He has calmed down a fair bit, but one of the skull fractures has left him with a screwed-up inner ear on one side that has a freakish, bat-like hearing ability.  He has been able to put the bat-like ear to the bump and if the babies are positioned just right, he can hear the heartbeats.  It is a nightly activity now, and he gets a little hurt if they are hiding from him behind the placenta.

Emotional Restraint
‘Honey, can you empty the bin for me?’
‘Honey, can you make me lasagna tonight?’
‘Honey, can you also put a new bin bag in the bin?’  
This man has brains.  He dares not cross the growing female hippo without big ammunition.  He has cooked almost every night and developed a humorous, playful approach to the fact that I am zombie from the time the sun starts to dip below the horizon.  He has called me ‘the incubator’ which seems to pretty much sum up the main activities he gets to see me do – eating and sleeping.  I wonder if he screams in the car on the way to work or just types nasty texts that he doesn’t send to me to get any  of the less palatable emotions out.  Whatever he's doing, the man is a picture of zen-like emotional restraint, gliding through it all with a smile and still giving me a peck on the cheek on the way.  When I ask him, he is just full of love.  He can’t wait to meet the twins and, with the way he is, I’ll bet they’ll be very happy to see him, too.

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny Jess! I love your writing.
    And that last paragraph just made me tear up. What a guy. I've never thought too much about what the hubby must be going through as your body and essentially lives change with every passing moment. He sounds like a great guy who is just thrilled to start a family with you! What love!!! :)
