Sunday 25 September 2011

Pregnancy dreams: part 3

Update on my active dream world.  If you dare take a peek into my unconscious, feel free.  Again, any interpretations welcome.

I have a recurring dream theme.  It's a house with 4 stories.  It is old.  In the dreams, I live in the house but I reside mainly on the lower floors.  In the previous dreams, this was because these were the only floors I owned,  or in other dreams because the other areas of the house were being used for something else.

In the latest house dream, I am aware that there is something on the fourth floor that I don't want to see.  Something terrifying.  I am somehow aware that the fourth floor is small and contains only a small bed and a window.

In this house dream, I am on the ground floor and there is an old woman pottering around.  I want to avoid her and begin to climb the stairs.  I intend to hide in the toilet of the second floor, but she is quicker on my heels than I expect and opt instead to try to out-rush her to toilets that are on the 3rd floor.  I rush into a antiquated bathroom, decorated with frilly pink and lock myself in a cubicle.  It's a large cubicle with a toilet but also antique wall lighting, a chair, pink carpet, a basin and generally a lot of room.  The old woman is just behind me, but I manage to evade her.

I try to turn on the wall lights, but they don't work.  I suddenly become aware that the ceiling of the third floor is not complete and opens to the fourth floor.  I look above me and see a terrifying looking woman glaring back at me.  She descends into the cubicle with me.  I threaten her to stay away,  but she threatens me right back and shows a small blade.  She doesn't attack me but demands that I listen.

All at once, I am flying down the stairs, using the hand rails to slide and jumping from floor to floor.  I find myself in a basement that I didn't know what there.  There is a little girl and then it seems that I am the little girl.  She is playing with a doll's house and there is a man there with her.  He seems like a father or uncle.  The basement is dimly lit.  He states that she normally plays with the doll's house in a certain way, but she turns to him and says that she will do it differently now.

Suddenly I am in a lounge on the ground floor.  A man who is my husband (but does not look like Thom) is reading to our child on the sofa.  I am standing, looking at a stained glass window that contains the images of the people of the house, depicted against red glass.  The face of the man and the child are there but the face of the woman is not me.  It is someone who was in my place before.  I stamp my feet to demand that she leave the house.

And then I wake up.

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